Friday, July 17, 2009

Cape Town

We arrived in Cape Town in the afternoon after a gorgeous drive down from the top of the mountains. I was taking photos left right and centre out of the window until flat top of Table Mountain came into view and I had to stop snapping just so I could take it all in.   WOW, Cape Town!


We plonked ourselves in the car park of the Formula 1 ‘Hotel’.  (see Fiver's blog for an explanation to my quotation marks) Soon enough half of it was taken up by all of our belongings that exploded out all the doors and windows along with 3 very tired adventurers trailing behind.  We had been on the road almost a week and were starting to take the strain on everything being so tightly packed - There is only so much one can take of my heavily packed backpack tumbling down onto their head in the back seat you see – one week later we are in Swakopmund sending a very relieving and successfully maxed out 30kg bag to Germany.  Stuart can now sleep easy in the back seat without fear of my hauntingly heavy backpack base jumping down onto him, or the daunting feeling that Five is about to ask for something out of her enormous solar powered backpack that is either: a) impossible to get to because the zip is facing the wrong way to the back door and not the back seat passenger. b) impossible to remove from its post because it is shoved too tightly into the only space that even resembles enough room for it.   Or c) it is so crammed with stuff that you can’t even get to the laptop to plug the charger in.  Haha, it was such a laugh.  A great bag though, fantastic bag even. I mean, solar powered!


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